I haven't sewn anything lately, no time basicly and far too much to do at school (but winter vacations coming soon^^) but I've realized that my collection of dolls has grown and well, let's say got upgrated dramatically ;). Two years ago it consisted of my old childhood dolls (which unfortunaltelly are still at my parents house, 300 kilometers away). In 2008 I bought a few new (well, OK, "second hand" 80s and 90s) dolls at our Polish auctions platform. They were actually like "nothing special" in terms of collecting and one might call it my attempt of rescuing them (all of in poor condition and needing restoration). I m still not done with all of them although they r slowly getting better. Perhaps I ll put some pics soon. What is interesting about them, among them were 2 Skippers (which used to be quite rare at Polish market back in the 90s). Anyway, I did not spend much on them.
2009 was a different year. In 2009 I felt in love with Mattel's new playline - the Fashionistas Barbie. As I wrote before, they do need repainting and maybe even rerooting (I m still affraid to do that) but I do love their articulation and posing. And their price allowed me to buy 4 of them (Glam, Artsy, Girly, Sassy). They make great models for sewn outfits and dioramas (yes, I m going to make them too^^).
I also bought my two very first Collector Edition Dolls - the "2009 Holiday Barbie" and the "Generations of Dreams Barbie". I was lucky to find them at a very reasonable price in one of the supermarkets (quite strange, since the CED are quite rare and usually very expensive in Poland I haven't seen any model in a real-world, non-online shop before). I haven't deboxed them yet. I like the "Generations" doll's make-up and general appearance very much but her dress (so prised by some collectors) is not appealing to me so much. I quess I m going to sell off the dress (I know it would decrease general doll's value, but I m not going to sell her any time, for me she's a decorative doll not an investment, so what's the difference?).

But I think I m going to sell off the Holiday one after a year or two so I m not planning to debox her at all. She is a beauty, in stunning dress with wonderfull jewellery. But somehow her make-up and face mold is not catching my feelings as much as the delicate "Generations". I m also not so much for the "muse model" body type, so "2009 Holiday" doll definitelly can go to a new home ;).

And now 2010... Yeah. Interesting year it's gonna be I tell you... So far I've already bought:
1) another two Fashionistas (Cutie and one deboxed, naked Glam at an online auction),
2) a Fashionistas Ken (the one with a straw-like hat). I love him! Why not all Kens have a body like that? If only he had ball-jointed wrists as well, I would call him perfect.
3) a Fashion Fever Barbie with regular legs and ball-jointed elbows and wrists (she looks like a mixture of a belly-button barbie and a Fashionistas barbie)
4) a NRFB 1990 Western Fun Nia (at an online auction). She was quite expensive, but she was one of my "must haves". Back in the 90s she was my childhood dream (as I was always interested in all ethnic and in any other way different than the most popular blue-eyed blonde dolls). But then she was beyond my access - those "different" dolls were then always very rare in Polish shops and generally in the 90s the Mattell's dolls used to be expensive in the freshly turned to democracy and open market country. My parents could not afford buying me a new original doll every month or so... (and yet They were doing all they could to make me happy and I owe them so much)... So I did not get her or any other doll of that line (I got only one of the outfits) that time and for all of those years she was on my "wish list". One time in 2008 I saw her on an auction and I was even bidding (deboxed and in medium condition) but I lost in last few minutes. This time she was never removed from box and with an extra option "buy it now". So I bought ^^, didn't want to risk that I loose the chance again ;). And I tell you - it's a truly amazing feeling: get the item you wanted so desperately as a child, get it now, in the box of that times and everything and open it now... It's like a travel in time. The little girl inside me can't stop smiling untill now ^^.

5) A NRFB, excellent condition of the box as well, "2006 Gold Label Made For Each Other Barbie Doll Reproduction" for... something about 9$ ^^. Yes, in moments like this I m so happy that I live in a provincional part of Europe - people here sometimes just don't know what they are selling ;).

6) A 2000 Collector Edition "Bowling Champ Barbie" with a Silkstone-like head mold for about 10$ (also an auction finding).

Something tells me, I ll be a busy little bee for the next few months, sewing for all of them ;). Oh, and BTW, my photo-camera is not working properly so all the pics in this note come from the internet (from the Barbie Collector web page and from the auction which I won), as soon as I fix the camera, I ll put real photos of my girls (and a boy^^).